Things that still bother me…Benjamin Button edition

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As my friend Tessa can tell you, things that bothered me, say, ten years ago often still bother me today. One of these things is a non-crucial plot point from the movie “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.” Spoilers for people who haven’t seen a nearly ten-year-old movie to follow.

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Winners and Losers, 2016

Well, as John Oliver rightly noted, 2016 was not a good year. And while I’ll do my best to keep updating this space, regular readers (if there is such a thing) can vouch that I’ve been lacking in posts; mostly because it feels like the world is falling apart. (I say this not as a wholly political statement; for instance, Alan Thicke and Florence Henderson and George Michael have passed while I’ve been working on this draft. Update: Carrie Fisher, too.) But with that said, entertainment is often a good way to express discontent with the current political and social climate, and can often serve as a distraction from, well, our impending doom. So enough prologue: I humbly submit the winners and losers of the entertainment world that were on my radar in 2016.

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