“Oh, my nose!”


As many of you know, last weekend I broke my nose in a car accident. So, of course this got me thinking of the great moments in broken nose/face moments in pop culture history. The following list is by no means definitive, so please leave your best suggestions in the comments! Continue reading

March (TV) Madness


In honor of March Madness, I thought I’d take a look to determine, bracket-style, what really is the best TV theme song ever. Rather than a full 64-song bracket, I started with a top 32. A few caveats: Obviously, I’m biased more on recent shows, although the art of the great TV theme song is vanishing. Also, I tend to favor songs with words (plural), so no Batman, Parks and Recreation (even with Star Wars references), or The Office (US version). Lastly, these had to be opening theme songs, so the chung-chung from Law & Order doesn’t count. (And I was torn whether to include the Jeopardy! music as well).

To me, the ideal theme song conveys enough of what the show is about to catch up casual viewers (i.e. blatantly spelling out the plot, like in The Brady Bunch or Green Acres). But it also has to be a good song; that’s crucial. Catchy, but also good enough that you won’t mind hearing it, say, 400 times. Continue reading

“It insists upon itself.”

Time again for an installment of Just Because. When I wrote about the sitcom’s future, I had to find my favorite clip from Family Guy. I watch this about once a month, and it still makes me laugh more than anything the show has ever done. I don’t know if it’s Peter’s sheer defiance, the mention of The Money Pit, or the fact that this would be the last conversation the family has before drowning in a panic room, but it gets me every time. Hope you all enjoy.

The Future of the Sitcom




Recently (since 30 Rock ended its run, and with The Office set to close its doors in May), people have begun to speculate on what the sitcom landscape will look like in the near future. Vulture has gone so far as to throw the gauntlet down and declare New Girl the best sitcom on TV. (Although they’ve also recently undergone the task of looking back to the sitcom past). And so I couldn’t help but wonder, where are we headed with sitcoms? Continue reading